Pentagon Strike...Another Lie~
Pentagon Strike, what you aren't being told~Watch this here.
This is a short flash film about the truth about the the Pentagon Strike on 9/11. NO PLANE WAS FOUND. Watch this film...ARE WE BEING LIED TO??? Like the famous words of Jack Nicholoson in a Few Good Men..."You wanna know the truth?? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!"
Go watch the short clip and come back and tell me what you think.
Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why they caused no damage?
Can you explain how a Boeing 757-200, weighing nearly 100 tons and travelling at a minimum speed of 250 miles an hour* only damaged the outside of the Pentagon?
(photos and facts borrowed from http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm)
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This is a short flash film about the truth about the the Pentagon Strike on 9/11. NO PLANE WAS FOUND. Watch this film...ARE WE BEING LIED TO??? Like the famous words of Jack Nicholoson in a Few Good Men..."You wanna know the truth?? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!"
Go watch the short clip and come back and tell me what you think.
Can you explain what happened to the wings of the aircraft and why they caused no damage?
Can you explain how a Boeing 757-200, weighing nearly 100 tons and travelling at a minimum speed of 250 miles an hour* only damaged the outside of the Pentagon?
(photos and facts borrowed from http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm)
Hon, if you believe this one you’re being had. The part of the Pentagon that the plane hit was one of the first parts of the new refurbishment that had been finished. It was all done with the idea of attacks in mind. Unlike the world Trade Center the pentagon is designed to withstand certain kinds of attacks. That’s one of the reasons why the building is built in multiple layers. The plane actually made it thru part of the first layer into the second. And the reason you don’t see the outline of the wings is that kind of things only happens in cartoons. The plane hit so low and so fast that it actually dug a trench into the ground before it hit the building and the wings just kind’a folded back into the plane. Plus with all the fuel the plane carried everything that was part of the plane just about melted. My brother was there and he knew the plane hit, I work for the Man and I know the plane hit. Greg Beck, Death's Door
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