The Bush Slogan Unveiled!
Last night, John Kerry delivered a speech that even the most devout Bush lovers would have to agree was articulate and intelligent. I am truly embarrassed by the ignorance, blunders and lack of leadership that George Dubya Bush has bestowed upon the American People and our image as a nation. How could we have elected a man who is so obviously stupid (or did we)? There are thousands of websites devoted to making fun of the misuse of words and phrases and the babbling of things that sound like a word, but is not an word in the English language that Bush invents while speaking to the public! It is outright humiliating that that man represents what should be the best of the best of our politicians. He is the living definition of figurehead. The real leaders of this country are George H. W. Bush and the CEO's of Halliburton, Enron, Unocal and the Saudis. I am ashamed as an American right now.
John Kerry speech was PHENOMENAL! He didn't stutter or blunder or misuse words and phrases. He was strong, he was direct and the delivered his message straight into my head (which is very hard to do, believe that). I heard every word he said, my mind didn't wander one time and it really seemed like he meant what he said. I would be proud to have that man be our new president! He didn't mudsling or name call. Kerry carried himself like a professional and a humanitarian, not like someone who was bred just to carry on his father's legacy and his family's business interests. George W likes to call himself the FORTUNATE SON. He is part of the HAVES and the HAVE MORES. He got where he is because he is corrupt and his family is corrupt and they have politicians and major corporation heads in their hands who are also corrupt. Throw an unlimited amount of resources on top of that and a controversial election where his CORRUPT brother is governor and VOILA! you have yourself a tiny, armadillo-chasing idiot making incoherent speeches and playing golf and fly fishing his way through a presidency~ one where people are dying, lots of people are dying! Not even the right people are dying, but none of that matters as long as George keeps the pockets of his contributers growing financially through war, construction and energy contracts. This will go down as being one of the most twisted, self-serving presidencies and "war" in all of this nations history. It is blatant genocide of the HAVE NONES so the HAVE MORES keep GETTING MORE.
I have so many better things to do than preach politics, but to tell you all the truth~ I AM SCARED!! I am scared for myself, I am scared for my family and I am scared for this nation! Sure Nixon was crooked and Bill got head in the White House, but BUSH is like HITLER! He thinks he can conquer the world, commit murder by ethnic cleansing, and send people to die when he chicken-shitted himself out of the military. He is a coward who hides behind his family's wealth and it is destroying people's lives! We are losing jobs and our HOMELAND SECURITY is like our SOCIAL SECURITY ~ it's dwindling! He wants to make National security his priority, but is shutting down firestations and cutting police forces in order to give the HAVE MORES bigger tax breaks. I am really scared what will happen if this idiot is given another 4 years to destroy this nation while he and his family continue to BANK off the Defense contracts! He can just keep picking nations to invade, blow up and rebuild, as his "BASE" people are raking in billions of taxpayers dollars!
It's been awhile, but I might just have to pray tonight- pray that in the next 95 days, the American public understands the urgency of the times, educates themselves and actively chooses a better way for this country to be ran. Kerry says Help is on the way... and all one needs to do to believe we need help, is to listen to old DUBYA give a speech written by the best writers in Washington, and mutilated by the biggest FOOL in Washington... May God Help Us All~~!!!
A Bushism a day....
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