I've been Porn Again!
There is nothing like a little Porn to spice up your sex life. It's like being born again... only Porn Again. The other night, It would have benefited me to keep some rubber sheets around the house. My bed was soaked! I came and i came hard for HOURS!! Not every orgasm is like that- what I like to call 'THE FLOOD'. Sometimes, it is just good. But other times, it is THE FLOOD~ Gushing, flowering, blooming flowing, never-ending, sweet-music-making wetness. I can't close the flow once those delicious gates open. I have to contribute some of that to the porn, some of that to my lover and some of that to mother nature and me learning how to control my floods (more like losing control of the floods). Thank You, God, for booze and porn, and for keeping my relationships strong by being PORN AGAIN!
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