It must be the sex (whoops!) Dante's Damnation...
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Extreme |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Moderate |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Extreme |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Extreme |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Extreme |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very High |
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
The Pussy Kavorka?
My Kavorka Pussy should be declared a Weapon of Mass Destruction and it is really. Pussy is the source of all life and pleasure, and mine is a real treat. In fact, it is the forbidden fruit. It seems as though men who only attempt to endulge in my peach for a little while, survive just fine, but those who try to own the peach, control the peach, or be the ONLY one to have the peach~ they fall victim to the curse of the Kavorka. Things in their lives start to fall apart. They start to compromise their security, friends and peace of mind. They see pink and lose site of everything else. They try to buy the sole rights to it, they strive to own it, put it on a shelf and keep it just for themselves. They become a stalker to it.
It is a very nice one, I compare it to other women's every chance I get, porn stars, movie stars, other girls i know. I occassionally leave the house without makeup, but never without a perfectly groomed pussy, lathered in lotion, a touch of expensive perfume and NEVER EVER deny it fresh air by covering it with panties... perfect to the touch, the scent and the taste.- always. As such, I believe it is to be shared with other, shown to others, and touched by others. I have spent years sharing it with as many people as possible- men and women, friends and strangers, people all over the internet. It's what i like to do.
It has proven to be successful for me. It has gotten me gifts and trips and access to boats and exclusive parties. Dates with very rich men, very handsome men, very sexy women. IT IS MY POWER, my strength, my security. It is what i used to barter for the better things in life and it has kept me from having a real job for years. But today, I am worried about it. I am worried that it really IS posion. I am worried that even the nice men are effected by it in ways that changes them, makes them weak. I find a super guy and within weeks he is changed. He is compromising all his standards, falling prey to it and becoming jello. It makes me sad as i see yet another wonderful person become ruined because of it. I have destroyed so many people's lives with it all over town. It is truly a WMD and that is why I should just save it for those I don't care about, those I just want in it and bounce. God help us all....
Men... can't live without 'em, can't marry 'em
But mostly, I love men, I love their bodies and their cocks, I love learning what turns them on and kissing them, I love the smell of their cologne, I love the way their muscles feel, I LOVE FUCKING MEN!! I really don't know how I am going to learn to be monogomous... It is the single hardest thing I have ever done. It just doesn't seem natural to me to be with just one - forever...It isn't my nature... maybe i am a slut, whore, evil bitch, but i just like to think i am a conniseur of men, of the male anatomy... obviously, i am just not marriage material... maybe an open marriage, but eww...
But how can you know in only a few months time that you are 100% sure you have found the ONE person who can satisify your sexual urges and curiousities for the REST of your ACTIVE SEXUAL LIFE?? I don't believe that is enough time. I always said, the only reason i would ever get married is for the alimony, and i like this one enough to not want to do that to him...
the S-Factor, hey do i know you?
the language of luva's
the easter fairy? WWJD?
"ALL are welcome in MCC...
a worldwide fellowship of Christian
churches with a special outreach to
the world's gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender communities."
ha! i am so proud of the gay community of christians! not only do they not worry about sexual bigotry, but they staked claim to the famous www.jesus.com! what would Pat Robinson think? can you image all the red-faced, gay-hating holier-than-thou christians who curiously typed in jesus.com in honor of Easter? i think this site has renewed my faith in christians today!! what would Jesus do? maybe he would axe the easter bunny and have an easter fairy instead! HA!